Monday, December 1, 2008

New Job, New Blog

Welcome to my blog Vol 2.0.

Set this one up tonight, after eight months of people asking me when I was going to start blogging again.

Decided to open a blogspot blog for three reasons.

1. Better Software

The old Word Press blog didn't work to well with my Mac, so I'm relieved that I can actually embed links and video now without having an advanced degree in HTML.

2. Spam

With this account I don't have to worry about spammers constantly trying to post comments. I'm talking hundreds per day. Enough.

3. It's Time

The word's already out among the eight or so people who care about the inner workings of the Canadian sports media, so I guess it's OK for me to tell you guys that I'm starting a new job in the new year. After two years of covering Major League Soccer for the
Toronto Star, I've graduated to the baseball beat. I'm excited about it, and I figured a new job deserves a new blog.

When your profile rises -- and mine will once I start this new gig -- people tend to google you. So I decided to get out in front of this trend, so that when people start googling (usually to figure out where to send the hate mail), they would actually find something fresh.

The old blog still exists, and unless I figure out how to transfer the archives to this account I'll leave it where it is.

But for the foreseeable future I'll be blogging right here. Check in frequently to see me do what I do.

I've already got a post to get you started.

Scroll down to see it.


Unknown said...

welcome.. i think most of us have moved to blogger.. i'm here and Meek is here (and others).. it's also a nice way to get excited about blogging again (moving, that is)..

Question Mark said...

Another member of the Blogspot Mafia. You'll love it....there's fewer spam comments, an easier interface and they send you an envelope stuffed with twenties every month.*

* = dramatization, may not happen